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  • 🏃‍♂️Are You Fit Enough To Join The Navy? Take This Simple Test

🏃‍♂️Are You Fit Enough To Join The Navy? Take This Simple Test

Also, an ex-Royal Marine reveals the three suspension exercises you need for a Navy SEAL body

Dreaming of joining the Navy? You’ll need to pass the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) first. This test measures your endurance, strength, and overall fitness through push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed run. To see if you’re ready to sail the high seas, use the PRT calculator to assess your current fitness level and identify areas for improvement. [Test your Navy readiness.]

Who needs a gym membership when you have a living room and a bit of determination? A veteran personal trainer breaks down the top five exercises you can do at home to get a killer workout. Think squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, and burpees. These moves are simple, yet they target all the right muscles to keep you in peak shape. [Uncover the ultimate home workout.]

Forget the gym: a Navy SEAL body is just a TRX away. Former Royal Marine shares three suspension exercises that will get you as fit as a frogman. With just a suspension trainer, you can perform body saws, atomic push-ups, and TRX rows to build core strength, endurance, and functional fitness. The no-nonsense approach means you’ll spend less time working out and more time admiring those chiseled abs. [Get the SEAL workout.]

Intermittent fasting isn't just a trend — it's a science-backed method for burning fat. But when does the magic start? Turns out, your body begins to tap into fat stores after about 12 hours of fasting. The key is to extend that window to maximize fat burning. Whether you’re doing 16:8 or 24-hour fasts, understanding your body's response can help optimize your results. [Learn about the fat-burning timeline.]

Three-time Classic Physique Olympia champ Chris Bumstead is ready to shake things up. In a recent chat, Bumstead revealed his strategy for the 2024 Olympia, hinting at a potential move to the Open division in the next season, weighing in at a monstrous 310 pounds. [Get the inside scoop on Bumstead’s game plan.]

Bicep curls are great, but they’re not the only path to bigger guns. A fitness expert outlines seven exercises that are even more effective for building biceps. From chin-ups to hammer curls, these moves target your arms from every angle. Incorporate these exercises into your routine for a more comprehensive approach to arm day. [Explore the bicep-boosting workout.]

Ever wondered how Lou Ferrigno became the Hulk? Spoiler: It wasn’t gamma radiation. Ferrigno’s intense workout routine and strict diet plan are the real heroes. His regimen includes heavy compound lifts like bench presses, deadlifts, and squats, paired with a high-protein diet that fuels massive muscle gains. Whether you’re aiming to bulk up or just get inspired by a legend, Ferrigno’s plan offers a blueprint for serious strength. [Unleash your inner Hulk.]

Want shoulders that pop like Phil Heath’s? The seven-time Mr. Olympia shares his top four exercises for achieving those 3D delts. Heath swears by lateral raises, overhead presses, reverse flyes, and front raises. Incorporating these moves into your shoulder routine will help you build size, definition, and strength. Follow Heath’s tips and watch your delts grow into award-winning form. [Build 3D delts like a pro.]

HafÞór BjÜrnsson Sets an Unofficial Keg Toss World Record

The 2018 WSM Champ launched a 15.5-kilogram keg to an impressive height of 8 meters.

Training Tip of the Day: Go Slow To Grow!

It’s tempting to rush through reps like you're on a speed dating spree, but slow and controlled movements, especially on the eccentrics, are where the magic happens. When you slow down your lifts, you increase time under tension, which helps build strength and muscle size. So, next time you’re benching, think tortoise, not hare. Your muscles will thank you.

The Strength Bulletin


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