5 Push-Up Variations for a Killer Chest

Also, Nick Walker explains how to fix weak muscle groups and Phil Heath's cable flye tips.

Who needs the bench press when push-ups can deliver serious chest gains? Explore five dynamic push-up variations that promise rapid development. These moves will transform your chest routine and skyrocket your gains. [Push-ups like never before.]

Bodybuilding legend Tom Platz doesn't mince words about today's training methods. He challenges modern lifters to push their limits and questions why so many avoid training to failure. Platz’s insights will inspire you to up your game. [Train harder, train smarter.]

Men’s Open bodybuilder Nick Walker reveals his top strategies for improving lagging muscles. His practical tips and techniques are a game-changer for anyone looking to bring balance to their physique and enhance overall performance. [Unlock your full potential.]

Considering an egg fast to jumpstart your diet? This deep dive into the egg fast trend explores its benefits, potential pitfalls, and whether it's a healthy choice for you. Get the facts before you crack that egg. [Egg fast demystified.]

Want to achieve single-digit body fat like Sadik Hadzovic? Check out his 1,800-calorie daily diet plan that keeps him shredded and stage-ready. It’s a masterclass in disciplined eating and effective nutrition. [Eat like a champ.]

Phil Heath shares his top three tips for maximizing chest gains using cable crossovers. Learn from the seven-time Mr. Olympia how to make every rep count and build a massive chest. [Phil’s chest secrets revealed.]

Wondering how much you can deadlift? This max deadlift calculator helps you accurately estimate your one-rep max, so you can plan your lifts and track your progress like a seasoned pro. [Maximize your lifts.]

Hunter Labrada Shares Arm Day Workout in Prep For the 2024 Italy Pro💸💰

Recovery Tip of the Day: Sauce It Up🥫🍗

Feel free to use condiments, especially during the bulking phase. That extra splash of hot sauce or dollop of mustard can make even the most bland chicken breast bearable. Plus, those extra flavors might just help you eat the surplus of calories you need without feeling like you're in a food coma. So, go ahead and spice up your meals — your taste buds and your gains will thank you!

The Strength Bulletin


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